An acceptance to medical school is no ordinary feat.
That's why our support is extraordinary.
The Simro Steps

We’re educators at our core. Our approach comes from the techniques that we’ve learned in our pedagogical training, not just from our healthcare experience.

Our work together begins with a conversation. We are a small team, and we limit the number of students we work with so we can provide you the support that you deserve. Our goal is to get to know you as a student: understand how you learn, how you study, how you think.

Our sole obligation is to you. Simro’s experts have delved through every available resource to figure out what is good–and what isn’t. Our individualized curriculum incorporates the best resources out there – tailored to you.

As our mentee, you will have open access to our appointment calendar. When you want to meet, you simply book a time that works for you. If you ever need to ask a quick question, we won’t make you wait–just give us a text or a call.
The Simro Syllabus
An emphasis on
This process, whether the MCAT or the written medical school application, tests your ability to apply the knowledge that you have. We understand that at Simro, so we focus during our sessions on higher-level, active learning.
A deep-dive into MCAT
and admissions strategy
At Simro, we have created some of the most effective MCAT and application strategies. Our goal is to teach you to use them.
A focus on
long-term growth
We don’t view our work together as an opportunity to solely teach you in the present. It’s a chance for us to help you develop skills that you will continue to use as a physician and medical student.
About Siraj

Siraj Sodhi
Lead Mentor
Siraj previously graduated from UCLA, earning a BS in Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology. He is currently part of the Duke University School of Medicine Class of 2026. Siraj scored a 523 on the MCAT. When he applied to medical school, Siraj also received acceptances from Johns Hopkins, Yale, UCLA, Mayo, Vanderbilt, Northwestern, and Mt Sinai.
Siraj has been teaching in various capacities for over 8 years. He supported MCAT test-takers, guided others in the medical school application process, taught organic chemistry classes at UCLA, ran a non-profit that exposed students to laboratory science, worked as a 9th-grade teacher, trained EMTs, held classes for prisoners, tutored high-school-level math, and taught AP Biology prep courses. His mission is accessible education.
Siraj is most interested in helping students develop the critical-thinking skills necessary to reason through challenging problems—students should be able to apply what they’ve learned from mentorship throughout their academic journey.
Siraj realizes that mentorship is an individualized experience; there is no one-size-fits-all approach. But that’s what Siraj loves the most about teaching: working with every student is a new experience.
About Devika

Devika Shenoy
Lead Mentor
Get in Touch
Let’s talk about you.
Schedule a conversation by selecting a time on our calendar.
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